Re: TCP SYN probe detection tool available

James W. Abendschan (
Wed, 15 May 1996 18:01:56 -0700

Way back on May 15,  3:25am, Brian Mitchell wrote:
> This is a good idea. I have also written a similar tool, although mine
> logs all syn packets. It uses the libpcap interface. Should compile under
> linux, freebsd, irix, sunos, solaris, etc. It is available at
> (libpcap is not
> included with the distribution).

Well, while we're on the subject..

I've written a perl script to do a similar task-- mine logs all SYN
packets (although you can exclude data destined for a particular port;
I exclude port 80 and 113 as they generate so much traffic) as well
as logging portscans.

It requires tcpdump and a little bit of hacking to get it to work
on your particular subnet, but it doesn't chew alot of CPU time --
unless, of course, someone is doing a portscan :-)

You can find it at
Comments/suggestions about how to improve it are welcome.


James W. Abendschan                                 Email:
UNIX Systems Programmer/Administrator               Phone: (520) 556-7466 x238
Colorado Plateau Research Station, Flagstaff, AZ    Voice mail: *516